Do you know what is the stock market? You must have seen people talking about it often. And often you have seen a lot of posts related to this on the internet, but do you know that most of the posts do not give you the right information about this thing, but instead of half the incomplete information there, it puts you in a dilemma.
Many people want to invest in the Share Market but due to lack of proper knowledge about the Stock Market, they either avoid investing in the Share Market and do not invest money in the stock or lose their money in the Share Market. . Stock market or stock market has many names and it is known by different people by different names. "Share" which is an English language word. The simplest and easiest meaning is "part". And what the stock market is, it works on the principle of "share".
BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) is considered to be the largest stock exchange in India. It was established in 1875 as India's first stock exchange. India's second stock exchange is NSE (National Stock Exchange of India). It was established in 1992 as India's first demutualized electronic stock exchange.
So let's know what is this stock market? And how does it work. So our post today will try to give all the information related to the share market, so that you can avoid taking more losses and also get good information about the stock market. So let's start without delay
What is Stock Market ?
As we know that people know the stock market or the stock market by different names and this I have already told that the meaning of the share directly means "share" can be called share in a company in the stock market.
When does the company appear in the stock market?
In order to get listed or visible in the stock market, the company has to make several agreements in writing from the Exchange, under that agreement, the company has to give information of its activities to the market from time to time, such information in these information also This affects the interests of investors.
The valuation of the company is done on the basis of the information given by the company and on the basis of this assessment, the price of the shares of that company fluctuates when the demand decreases. If any company does not follow the rules of the listing agreement and is found guilty of violating the rules, then the action will be taken by SEBI to remove them from the exchange.
Apart from this, the company has to go through many things to appear in the stock market. For example, the company's entire record of the last 3 years, the company's share in the market above 25 crores, the capital of the applicant company for IPO is at least ₹ 10Cr. And ₹ 3 CR for FPO. Should be Apart from all these things, many things are taken care of when the company is listed. For listing of a company, it has to follow strict rules.
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